Slow and Steady
Slow and Steady
8” x 8” - 3color - 1block - Woodcut Print - Edition of 30 numbered, titled, and signed
Harken back to Aesops Fables, and the first tale that comes to minds is “The Tortoise and The Hare.” It’s funny to think that tales of morality from over 2000 years ago would still pack a punch! That’s probably because our evolution as ourselves in our own lifetime is more varied and volatile than that of humanity.
So this one is for the Tortoise, a beacon of hope to all of us out there who need to slow things down a bit and look at the larger picture, because...well...after all, slow and steady won the race.
This print was carved from a slice of birch, which itself added a lot of character and unique mark-making in the print.
There is also a companion print of the Hare here.